Not All Rack Lifters Are Created Equally

The rack lifter you choose should accomplish these 3 goals:

  1. It needs to be simple and easy to use
  2. It should virtually eliminate the risk of injury to data center workers
  3. It should be easily affordable

There are distinct advantages and disadvantages among rack lifters. Some manufacturers attempt to woo customers with expensive bells and whistles that go far beyond necessity and function.

As In Your Data Center Architecture, Simpler Is Better

This Applies To Data Center Rack Lifters Too

A Rack Lifter Designed For Ease Of Use By RackLift

A 28 Inch Footprint Means Easy Maneuverability

Our competitor is 51% longer than the RackLift RL600 series.

Our manual rack lifters are easily operated by anyone regardless of their physical strength. Any of your people can lift a 650 pound device with a high ratio gearing crank and install it into a rack unaided. For safety the crank auto-locks when the user lets go of the handle.
Another important factor is size.  RackLift™, due to its “tower style” design can spin 360° in a two-tile aisle. Our competitors mount their batteries, motors, gearbox and control circuitry at the rear, behind the “mast” which makes their units about 51 percent longer than RackLift™  leaving a footprint almost four feet long.   What looks compact in the brochure can become a large frustration in narrow aisles.

We recommend a “tower style” rack lifter; specifically the RackLift™ RL 400 and 600 series product.

Keep it simple – get RackLift™ – a basic tool for a basic job.

* Note 1:

(A) Regular maintenance for motorized competitive products include charging batteries every 2 weeks even if they have not been used, (B) changing winch oil annually “by siphoning oil using a standard pump”. (C) Full battery warranty is limited to only 90 days.

(Source Competitor’s Operators-Manual_CS_11-22-2010)